Consider putting up a Root of Jesse Tree this year for the Nativity Fast. It represents the family tree of Jesus Christ, from creation, through the Old Testament, to the coming of the Messiah.
The tree is named after Jesse, and it very similar to the icon “The Root of Jesse”. It often is either a drawing or a tabletop tree, which is decorated with a new ornament each day. Each ornament represents something related to the Nativity, and typically is accompanied by Scripture.
Check out these printable resources from Orthodox Education at here:
Daily Readings for the Jesse Tree:
Day 1: The Creation of the World (sun)
Genesis 1-2:4
Day 2: Creation of Man (2 people)
Genesis 2:4-25
Day 3: Expulsion from Paradise (fruit)
Genesis 3:1-24
Day 4: Noah (rainbow)
Genesis 6: 9- 22; 7; 8
Day 5: Abraham (constellation of stars)
Genesis 12:1-7; 15:1-6; 17:1-9
Day 6: Sacrifice of Isaac (altar)
Genesis 22:1-18
Day 7: Jacob’s Ladder (ladder)
Genesis 28:10-17
Day 8: Joseph and his Brothers (Coat of many colors)
Genesis 37:3-35
Day 9: Joseph’s Elevation (cow)
Genesis 41, 42, 43, 45:1-16
Day 10: Israel’s Blessing for Judah (lion)
Genesis 49:1-2, 8-12
Day 11: Infant Moses (Basket)
Exodus 1:8-22, 2:1-10
Day 12: Moses and the Burning Bush (Burning bush)
Exodus 3:1-20
Day 13: Plagues (frog)
Exodus 6:29- 7:6; 14- 8:15; 11:1; 12:1-13, 28-32
Day 14: Israel passes thru the Red Sea (parted sea)
Exodus 13:20-22; 14; 15:1-19
Day 15: Water in the Wilderness (staff)
Exodus 15:20-16:1; 17:1-7
Day 16: Commandments (stone tablets)
Exodus 24:12-18
Day 17: Ruth (Shock of Wheat)
Ruth chapters 1- 4
Day 18: Birth of Samuel (Horn)
1 Samuel 1:1- 2:10
Day 19: Samuel & Eli (Lamp)
1 Samuel 3:1-20
Day 20: David the Anointed King (sheep)
1 Samuel 16:1-13
Day 21: David & Goliath (slingshot)
1 Samuel 17:1-11, 32-54
Day 22: David the Psalmist (footstool)
Psalm 110
Day 23: King Solomon (crown)
1 Kings 1: 32- 40; 2:1-4, 10, 12; 3:5-14
Day 24: Elias the Prophet (burning Rock)
1 Kings 18 & 19; 2 Kings 2:1-14
Day 25: Jonah the Prophet (whale)
Jonah 1- 4:11
Day 26: Tobias (fish)
Tobit 6-9:6, 11:2-19, 12:6, 11-22
Day 27: Emmanuel (scroll)
Isaiah 7:10-16; 8:1-4, 8-10
Day 28: Rejoicing Foretold (Throne)
Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:1-10
Day 29: Visits of Kings Foretold (Kings with camels)
Isaiah 60:1-7
Day 30: Daniel (stone smashing a statue)
Daniel 2:31-36, 44-45
Day 31: 3 Holy Youths (flames)
Daniel 3:1-88
Day 32: God’s Dwelling (Ark of the Temple)
Exodus 40; 1 Kings 8
Day 33: Prayer of Avvacum the Prophet (Mountain w/ a large cave- the stable)
Habakkuk 3:2-19
Day 34: Wisdom, Word and Power of God (open book)
Baruch 3:36-38; 4:1-4
Day 35: Birth & Star Foretold (Star of David)
Micah 5:1-4
Day 36: Zachariah (Censer )
Luke 1:5-25
Day 37: Announcement (Angel)
Luke 1:24-38
Day 38: Visitation (Mary)
Luke 1:39-56
Day 39: Joseph the Betrothed (Joseph)
Matthew 1
Day 40: Journey to Bethlehem (Manger)
Luke 1:1-5
Twelve Days of Christmas
Day 1: Nativity (Infant Jesus)
Luke 2:6-7
Day 2: Light of the World (Radiant Light)
John 1:1-5, 10- 14
Day 3: Announcement (Angel w/ Trumpet)
Luke 2:8-14
Day 4: Shepherds Prepare (Standing Shepherd)
Luke 2:15
Day 5: Shepherds Visit (Kneeling Shepherd)
Luke 2:16-20
Day 6: Star of Bethlehem (Star)
Matthew 2:1-2
Day 7: Wise Men Visit Herod
Matthew 2:3-7
Day 8: Naming of Jesus (Jesus Banner)
Luke 2:20-21/ Genesis 17:1-14
Day 9: Visit of the Wisemen
Matthew 2:9-12
Day 10: Flight to Egypt (Sword)
Matthew 2:13-23
Day 11: Song of Zachariah (dove)
Luke 1:57-64,67-80
Day 12: Baptist John (Sandal)
Luke 3:1-22
Compiled by Rebekah Yergo