Paska (GZeedick) 3 cups scalded milk, or enough scalded milk added to whey from hrudka to make 3 cups 1/2 teaspoon salt 6 beaten eggs 1/2 cup lukewarm water 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup melted butter 1/2 large cake yeast or equivalent portion of dry yeast 12 to 14 cups flourIn a large bowl, combine milk, sugar, salt, butter and cool to lukewarm. Save 2 tablespoons of the eggs and add the rest of the eggs to the milk mixture. In a separate bowl, crumble yeast in water and let stand for 10 minutes. Add to above mixture. Add flour – about 2 cups at a time – until the dough can be handled.Knead on a floured board for 15 minutes. Place dough in greased bowl, grease top and let rise in a warm place for about 1 1/2 hours.Punch down and let rise a second time for about 45 minutes. After second rising, shape into four balls and place into greased pans. Small 1 1/2 quart enamelled saucepans can be used for baking. Let rise. Brush tops with 2 tablespoons eggs to which some milk has been added. To achieve that glazed appearance on the loaves, brush tops several times prior to removing them from the oven. Bake at 325 degrees for about 1 hour. NOTE: Before placing dough in pans, about 1 cup of the dough can be saved and shaped into designs (plaits, crosses, etc,) and placed on top of the unbaked paskas. These fancy shapes can be prevented from scorching in the oven by placing aluminum foil on top of the paskas during baking. Paska – Traditional Sweet Bread Hrudka (Sirets – Egg Cheese) (GZeedick) Combine all ingredients in a white, enameled pan. Cook over medium to low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture curdles. Pour mixture into a colander that is lined with several thicknesses of cheesecloth. Once mixture is drained, pick it up –cheesecloth and all — and shape into a ball by twisting the top part of the cheesecloth. Tightly tie open end with string, placing string very close to the top of the ball. Caution: This will be hot. Hang over sink until cool. Remove cheesecloth when cool; wrap and refrigerate. (The whey from the hrudka can be saved and used when making pascha. To conserve the whey, place the colander over a large pot before pouring mixture into cheesecloth). Kulich 1. Make a starter. In a large mixing bowl dissolve the yeast in the warm milk and whisk in 3 cups flour. Cover and put in a warm place to rise. MOLDS: ICING: | Hrutka (Sirets – Egg Cheese) 1 dozen eggs 1 quart milk 1/4 tsp. salt Beat together all ingredients. Put in a large, heavy pot and cook over medium low heat, stirring constantly, until the eggs begin to solidify, and look like scrambled eggs in liquid. Double cheese cloth to form an approximate 24″ x 24″ square. Place cloth in large collinder. Place collinder in sink, and pour the mixture into it. Gather the corners, tie together with string, squeeze to remove excess moisture and hang up to drain overnight. Should form a ball about the size of a large grapefruit. As you may have noticed, I have hyphenated the name of this recipe. This is for the sake of familial diplomacy. Every year, there is a slight disagreement between my mom and dad over the name. His family always called it “Hrutka”, while my mom’s called it “Sirek”. I tend to side with my father, while my sister with my mother. The rest of the family who have eschewed most of their ethnicity just calls it the “scrambled-egg cheese”. By whatever name, it is just as delicious!Chrin (Beets with Horseradish) 8 cans whole beets, drained 3 bottles horseradish (Do not use creamed horseradish) Grind beets using fine grinder attachment. The juice can be saved for soup. Add horseradish to beets; mix well. Refrigerate. An empty horseradish jar (washed, label removed and dipped in boiling water to sterilize it) can be filled with the mixture and placed in the Easter basket. The jar’s cap can be disguised with aluminum foil, thus hiding any advertisement.Hrin (Beets with Horseradish) 2 14.5 oz. cans beets 1 6 oz. prepared horseradish.Finely grate the beets. Mix with the horseradish. Hrin is a simple dish, mainly to help in the digestion of the meat and cheese Ham & Kolbasi 24″ x 48″ cheese clothThere is really no “recipe” for ham or kolbasi. A wonderful place to get gourmet smoked meats, including ham and kolbasi, is a local polish sausage shop in San Jose. Eggs Eggs are the universal Paschal symbol. They are one of the popular customs that we as Orthodox share with American culture. The egg is a symbol of resurrection. In many areas, the egg is the one food that breaks the Great Fast. Traditionaly the eggs are dyed red, a color to denote the sacrifice made on Calvary for us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Tradation states that it goes back to the time of Saint Mary Magdalene, equal-to-the-apostles. When she was summoned before the emperor Tiberius, she handed him an egg and exlaimed to him, “Christ is Risen!” He of course expressed great disbelief, and said he would not believe her unless the egg whould turn red. As he was speaking, it did! Ham Kolbassi Place the kolbassi in a pan, cover with water and boil for about 45 minutes. Some cooks, after the kolbassi is boiled, place a few into a baking pan and sprinkle them with about 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and honey. This is then popped into the oven for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool before refrigerating. Butter Kolachki (Nut & poppyseed roll) Beat eggs and sugar. Melt butter and shortening in hot milk, saving 1/2 cup for the yeast. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm milk and let stand for a few minutes. Combine both mixtures in a large bowl. Add flour and mix well with hands until dough leaves the hands. Refrigerate overnight. In the morning, divide the dough into eight balls and let rise for one hour. Roll out on floured boards and spread with filling. Roll up gently, tucking in ends. Bake at 350 degrees until brown, about 45 minutes. Brush tops of rolls, prior to putting into oven with an egg-milk mixture. Doing so produces beautifully browned, shiny rolls. Nut Filling Combine sugar and nuts. Beat eggs and add to mixture. Add honey and milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Bring to boil. Remove from stove, let cool. Roll out dough to 1/4 inch thick, brush with butter, place filling on dough and roll up. Bake Poppyseed Filling Combine sugar with poppyseed. Add melted butter. Then add honey and milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until blended. Cool and spread over dough that has been rolled out to 1/4 inch thickness and brushed with butter. Roll up and bake. |
Please provide more detail about “ground” poppyseed. Thank you!
Hi Katherine! You can grind poppyseed using a spice grinder. I’ve heard of some people using a high speed blender like a Vitamix. Most health food stores also sell pre-ground poppyseed. I hope this helps!
Many thanks! Blessed Pascha!
A blessed Pascha to you as well!