
In the Christian East, the Baptism of our Lord is honored in the Church’s annual celebration of Theophany (commonly called Epiphany in the West) on January 6. This feast is celebrated, moreover, as the manifestation of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.… Read More

Fluffy Vegan Pancakes

The best vegan pancakes are pancakes made of ingredients you typically have in your pantry that are still fluffy and tasty. These pancakes, based of the “Fluffiest Vegan Pancakes” from Tasty Vegetarian are easy to make and don’t require special … Read More

No-Knead Bread

During Lent, we often are limited on time. Often I want to make homemade bread, but I just don’t have time to do the mixing, kneading, raising, etc. This is the perfect answer to this problem: minimal hands-on time, versatile and easy to make, while still giving you an artisan-style loaf of bread.… Read More

By the Waters of Babylon

Each year before Great Lent, we sing the hymn “By the Waters of Babylon”. The text is from Psalms 136 (137). For years, I found the text to be confusing. It is a cry of lament, but at the end … Read More

Preparing for Lent

During the four weeks prior to Great Lent, the Church prepares us with several “pre-lenten” themes: repentance and humility, God’s mercy, judgment and salvation, and forgiveness. The pre-lenten Sundays prepare us for our “lenten journey.” They arm us with that … Read More

On Prayer and Repentance

Written by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov; Translated by Nun Cornelia (Rees) In today’s Gospel, the prayer of the publican is shown drawing God’s mercy to him. This prayer consisted of the following words: God be merciful to me a sinner (Lk. … Read More

Baking, Vegan-Style

As a baker, I want to make sure every baked good is delicious, has good consistency, and is baked properly.  There are some obvious challenges when baking vegan foods.  I’m sure many of us have experienced them first-hand, myself included. … Read More

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