Various sources
Prosomia of the Stichera – Tone 5 – Hail of ascetics
Shine, Cross of the Lord, with the bright darting rays of your grace on the hearts of those who honour you, and with love inspired by God, embrace you, O desire of all the world. Through you our tears of sorrow have been wiped away; we have been delivered from the snares of death and have passed over to unending joy. Show us the splendour of your beauty, granting to us your servants the reward of our abstinence, for we entreat with faith your rich protection and great mercy.
Hail, life-giving Cross! the fair Paradise of the Church, Tree of incorruption that blossoms for us with the enjoyment of eternal glory. Through you the hosts of demons are driven back, the companies of the Angels rejoice with one accord and the congregations of the faithful keep the feast. You are an invincible weapon, an unbroken stronghold; you are the victory of kings and the glory of priests. Grant us also now to draw near to the Passion of Christ and to His Resurrection.
Hail, life-giving Cross! unconquerable trophy of the true faith, door to Paradise, succour of the faithful, rampart set about the Church. Through you the curse has utterly destroyed, the power of death swallowed up, and we are raised from earth to heaven: invincible weapon, adversary of demons, glory of martyrs, true ornament of holy monks, haven of salvation bestowing on the world great mercy.
Come, first-fashioned pair, who fell from the choir on high through the envy of the murderer of humankind, through the bitter pleasure of tasting from the tree. See, the Tree, revered by all, draws near! Run with haste and embrace it joyfully, and cry to it with faith: O all-honoured Cross, you are our succour; partaking of your fruits we have gained incorruption; we are restored once more to Eden, and we have received great mercy.
Doxastikon of the Stichera – Tone 3
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
O Christ our God, of your own will you accepted Crucifixion, for the common restoration of humankind. Taking the reed pen of the Cross, out of love for humankind, in the red ink of royalty with bloody fingers you signed our absolution. Do not forsake us, who are in danger once again of being parted from you. Take pity on your people in distress, for you alone are longsuffering. Rise up and fight against our enemies, as you are all- powerful.
Ode 1 of the Canon from the Triodion by St. Theodore the Studite. Tone 1. The day of Resurrection
[Note: this is set to the melody of the Canon of Pascha]
A day of festival! At Christ’s Rising, death has fled away and the light of life has dawned. Adam has arisen and dances for joy. Therefore let us cry aloud as we sing a song of victory.
A day of worship of the Precious Cross! Come, let all approach it! For now it is set forth, shining with the bright beams of Christ’s Rising. Let us kiss it, as we rejoice in soul.
Great Cross of the Lord, appear! Show me now the divine vision of your beauty, and make me your worthy worshipper. For I address you and embrace you as though you were alive.
Let heaven and earth give praise with one accord, for the all-blessed Cross, on which Christ, nailed in the body, was sacrificed, is now set forth for all. Let us kiss it as we rejoice in soul.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
O Trinity in Persons, O Unity in Essence, Father, Son and Spirit, equal in power, Unity in purpose and will, dominion and rule, watch over your world and crown it with peace.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Virgin who did not know man, you give birth to an infant without seed and the Offspring you bear is the Maker of all things, Christ our God. Entreat him to grant the whole universe peace.
Ode 9
Shine, shine, O New Jerusalem.
You went down into the tomb, O God the Giver of Life and you broke all the bolts and bars, raising up the dead who cry aloud: Glory to your Resurrection! O Christ, the Saviour all-powerful.
Your tomb, O Christ, has brought me life: for you, the Lord of life, came and cried to those who were dwelling in the grave, ‘All who are in bonds, be loosed: for I have come, the Ransom of the world.’
Let all the trees of the forest dance and sing, as they behold their fellow-tree, the Cross, today receiving veneration: for Christ, as holy David prophesied, has exalted it on high.
I died through a tree, but I have found in you a Tree of Life, O Cross of Christ. You are my invincible protector, my strong defence against the demons. Venerating you this day, I cry aloud: Sanctify me by your glory.
Rejoice and be exceeding glad, O Church of God, as you venerate today the thrice-blessed wood of the most holy Cross of Christ, that is attended by the ranks of angels, and with fear they stand before it.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
I worship you, O holy God, as Trinity of Persons in Unity of Essence, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one Power and Kingdom, sovereign over all.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
You are the great mountain, O Virgin, in which Christ dwelt, as holy David says. By you we are raised up to heaven, all-blessed Lady, regaining through the Spirit the adoption of sons.
Doxastikon of the Praises – Tone 8
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
The Lord of all has taught us in a parable to shun the boastful thoughts of the evil Pharisees; and he has instructed all of us not to think more highly than we should. He himself became our pattern and example, for he emptied himself even unto death upon the Cross. Let us therefore render thanks with the Publican and say: O God who suffered for us and yet remained impassible, deliver us from the passions and save our souls.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!