Lenten Meal Plan

Sevi, from Orthodox Mom, presents a method to create a Lenten Meal Plan, as well as recipes she uses on a regular basis.

Lenten and Paschal Cycle (OCA)

The Orthodox Church in America provides the dates for the Lenten / Paschal cycle for the next four years.

Discipline – Fasting as a Gift (Part 2)
The Opinionated Tailor

Kh. Krista presents fasting as a gift and a skill.

A Homily for the Beginning of Lent
Speaking the Truth in Love

As the Lenten season begins, Fr. Tom Hopko reads a brief sermon penned by Fr. John Parker of Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Mt. Pleasant, SC. This sermon was written in the style and tradition of St. John Chrysostom’s well known and loved Paschal Homily. View on Ancient Faith Radio